Raffaella Giacomini
Fixed effects in the tails, with S. Sarpietro and Y. Wang
Perceived shocks and impulse responses (2024), with J. Lu and K. Smetanina
Identification and inference under narrative restrictions (2023), with T. Kitagawa and M. Read, R&R Review of Economic Studies
Forecasted treatment effects (2023), with I. Botosaru and M. Weidner, R&R Journal of Econometrics
A Robust Method for Microforecasting and Estimation of Random Effects (2023), with S. Lee and S. Sarpietro
Estimation under ambiguity (2019), with T. Kitagawa and H. Uhlig
Stress testing with misspecified models (2016), with R. Bidder and A. McKenna
Robust Bayesian analysis for econometrics (in press), with T. Kitagawa and M. Read, Advances in Economics and Econometrics: proceedings of the 2020 World Congress of the Econometric Society
Narrative Restrictions and Proxies (2022), with T. Kitagawa and M. Read, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 40, 1415-1425
Narrative Restrictions and Proxies. Rejoinder (2022), with T. Kitagawa and M. Read, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 40, 1438-1441
Incentive-driven inattention (2022), with W. Gaglianone, J. Issler and V. Skreta, Journal of Econometrics, 231, 188-212
Robust Bayesian inference in Proxy SVARs (2022), with T. Kitagawa and M. Read, Journal of Econometrics, 228, 107-126. (Matlab code and replication files here)
Uncertain identification (2022), with T. Kitagawa and A. Volpicella, Quantitative Economics, 13, 95-123
Robust Bayesian inference for set-identified models (2021) with T. Kitagawa, Econometrica (lead article), 89, 1519-1556. (replaces the working paper "Robust inference about partially identified SVARs"). (Matlab code and replication files here)
Heterogeneity, inattention and Bayesian updates (2020), with V. Skreta and J. Turen, American Economic Journal, Macroeconomics, 12, 282-309 ​
Article featured on AEA Research Highlights: Read here
Anchoring the yield curve using survey expectations (2017), with C. Altavilla and G. Ragusa, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 32, 1055-1068
Bayesian estimation of state-space models using moment conditions (2017), with R. Gallant and G. Ragusa, Journal of Econometrics, 201, 198-211
Model comparisons in unstable environments (2016), with B. Rossi, International Economic Review, 57, 369-392
Forecasting in nonstationary environments (2015), with B. Rossi, Annual Review of Economics, 7, 207-229
Economic theory and forecasting: lessons from the literature (2015), Econometrics Journal, 18, C22-C41
Bond returns and market expectations (2014), with C. Altavilla and R. Costantini, Journal of Financial Econometrics, 12, 708-729
Theory-coherent forecasting (2014), with G. Ragusa, Journal of Econometrics, 182, 145-155
A warp-speed method for conducting Monte Carlo experiments involving bootstrap estimators (2013), with D. Politis and H. White, Econometric Theory, 29, 567-589
How useful are no-arbitrage restrictions for forecasting the term structure? (2011), with A. Carriero, Journal of Econometrics, 164, 21-34
Forecast comparisons in unstable environments (2010), with B. Rossi, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 25, 595-620
Detecting and predicting forecast breakdowns (2009), with B. Rossi, Review of Economic Studies, 76, 669-705
Mixtures of t-distributions for finance and forecasting (2008), with A. Gottschling, C. Haefke and H. White, Journal of Econometrics, 144, 175-192
Comparing density forecasts via weighted likelihood ratio tests (2007), with G. Amisano, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 25, 177-190
Tests of conditional predictive ability (2006), with H. White, Econometrica, 74, 1545-1578
How stable is the forecasting performance of the yield curve for output growth? (2006), with B. Rossi, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 68, 783-795
​Evaluation and combination of conditional quantile forecasts (2005), with I. Komunjer, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 23, 416-431
Aggregation of space-time processes (2004), with C. W. J. Granger, Journal of Econometrics, 118, 7-26
Microforecasting Inflation (2023), with Y. Levin, Economic Perspectives, 3
The relationship between VAR and DSGE models (2013), in Advances in Econometrics, vol. 31
Forecasting in Macroeconomics (2013), with B. Rossi in Handbook of Research Methods and Applications on Empirical Macroeconomics, Edward Elgar Publishing, Chapter 7
Testing conditional predictive ability (2011), in Oxford Handbook of Economic Forecasting, ed. M.Clements and D. Hendry, Oxford University Press, Chapter 15